Friday, April 19, 2019

Class Portraits 2

This week we continued to draw inspiration from our classmates by using their photographic techniques and incorporating them into the images. We are essentially re-creating their photos, but putting them in them as well. I studied each individual's project on their blog and talked over it with them to make sure I understood the concept, then put the concept into action and created the images with them. This is the second volume. 

This is Laurel. In her project, she used photos of her friends and 'blended' them with pictures of buildings or landscape images. She also used black and white to tie the images together better. 

This is Eli's project, and he used the blurry technique to create a flat kind of image. He used color in certain areas of the background to create some sort of a puzzle, but I wasn't exactly sure what he did with that, but I tried. I think the windows in the background here made a puzzle-ish feel.

This is Brannan's project, he made images that were on a black background, but the subject was a miniature figure. His techniques were using a bright light behind the camera while the subject is on a dark background. Since I couldn't make Brannan mini, I used his hand to create a smaller feel.

This is Jack's project. He used a portrait image of somebody and blended it with a landscape photo from the internet on photoshop. The process of photoshop was super confusing and exporting the image didn't go too well, but I tried and I'm content with how the image came out.

This is Kevin's project. He decided to reuse the light painting project that we dove into a few weeks back. His techniques were flailing his phone flash around while slowing the shutter speed on the camera to give this painting effect.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Class Portraits 1

This week we drew inspiration from our classmates by using their photographic techniques and incorporating them into the images. We are essentially re-creating their photos, but putting them in them as well. I studied each individual's project on their blog and talked over it with them to make sure I understood the concept, then put the concept into action and created the images with them.

Sophie: In Sophie's project she used photos of a group of people, but had one of them resemble a ghost-like figure. She used to paint in real life to create this effect, I just used the drawing option on picmonkey.

Francesca: In Francesa's project, she took pictures of her classmates or friends and turned their heads into animals. She made human portraits into a blend between an animal and human portrait, where the body of the human is present, but their head is an animal's. 

In Jackson's project, he created silhouettes of people, so I did the same, using him as the subject. A good way he found out to make a silhouette was to stand in front of a light source, to make the exposure give a blacked out effect, as well as some touching up in picmonkey. 

For Jimmy's project, he took photos of specifical trees, and more their outline or silhouette. Rather than including the root and trunk of the tree, he only took a picture of the tree from the ground, looking up, so it was more the upper body of the tree as well as the roots, leaves, etc.